I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Year Six art
This is the art that every year six including me had to make. I created this with dye as the background and the black paper is to make it a silhouette. But of course not all of them looked like this but still all the other year six's art looked amazing. It took me a while to create this but eventually I did. This was truly enjoyable.
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
St Peters Symphonic Band
Last week we had St Peters Symphonic band come to our school. They were amazing they really showed us what a real orchestra is like. They even performed all the different types of instruments in the band my personal favourite instrument was the bassoon it is a woodwind instrument. It was really amazing because they played the theme songs for some movies or cartoons for example they played the Pink Panther song and the James Bond theme song. I'm sure that everyone there enjoyed time experiencing St Peters orchestra.
This is the painting I created at the Travelwise event that happened at the cloud. It was amazing we were able to go out into the city and find clues and secret locations I have never even heard of. Then soon after a long day we were finally able to rest. As if the whole day wasn't fun enough all of us got given Ice cream. I really enjoyed all that I experienced.

Friday, 23 November 2018
last week we experimented with tweezers and we acted like they were birds' beaks. We practiced using them on skittles and gummy worms. All of us were given different types of tweezers to experiment with. Sadly my type of tweezer only worked on the gummies not the skittles because it was very narrow. But later we were able to eat and enjoy the gummies and skittles. From this project I have learnt all about the different types of way's a birds beak can be used.
Social Justice Week
For the theme of social Justice week everyone in my class created feathers. We each had to write a powerful word on our feathers to show that the good shepherd school community does care about justice. We didn't just do flowers we also did some activities on social justice. Through out this whole week I have learned about the bad things that go on in this word and what we can do to stop it.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Kapa Haka
Last week a group of students including me performed at the Eden Albert cultural festival. We performed many things such as songs and a Haka. We all gave it our all and it really paid off. We all
thought that we did well and we were proud of ourselves. Not long after I just decided to hang out with my friends at Rocket park. I enjoyed it so much I wouldn't spend my Saturday anywhere else.
thought that we did well and we were proud of ourselves. Not long after I just decided to hang out with my friends at Rocket park. I enjoyed it so much I wouldn't spend my Saturday anywhere else.
Monday, 19 November 2018
World War
Last week my class studied World War one. All of us were given different items from during the war but all of them were replicas of course. I was partnered with another student in my class so we worked together and we found a lot of information on different people during World War one. Eventually we ended up creating a slideshow that you can see right above all this writing. I learnt all about the different people in Word War one and how they lived their lives I enjoyed learning about the war very much.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Today we had Athletics day. It was a long day and after a day worth of running, Jumping and throwing. I tried really hard and it paid of in the end I ended up coming 3rd for all my races and for long jump. The day went on and everyone was tired but eventually it all ended and we got back to school nice and safely needless to say it was an enjoyable day.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Friday, 26 October 2018
Calendar art
This is my calendar art that I created for 2019 that's next year by the way depending on what year you are reading this. What I had to do was colour in a piece of art then cut it out into the shape of the sun shining the 2019 was a bonus just so people know what year this was created. I have enjoyed this very much and I cant wait to do more in future.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
St Domonic

I loved learning about St Dominic and in future I hope to learn more about him.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Animal App
This is my Animal app that I created for the great habitat called a Marsh it is a rather sad place that is on the verge of being fully polluted but thanks to some helpful humans this is being stopped. I learned a lot about the animals and how they adapt to their habitat
Monday, 17 September 2018
Cultural Language Week
Last week we had cultural language week the language I learned was Spanish a language I have wanted to learn for a long time we also had to learn a dance called the flaminco we had to perform this on Friday which means we only had a whole week to perform our dance but sadly I was sick on the day of the performance but i'm sure that everyone did well. Within one week i learned so much about the culture of Spain and everything they do to celebrate their life example bull fighting, tomato fighting and family feasts.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Ni Hao!
Every Friday my class has been taking Mandarin lessons. I have enjoyed this experience very much. I hope to learn a lot more languages in future. Let me show you some of the things that I have learned:
Ni jiao sheme - that is how you say what is your name and my response would be wo jiao Ethan.
Learning Mandarin has been very enjoyable and I cant wait to learn more next term.
Every Friday my class has been taking Mandarin lessons. I have enjoyed this experience very much. I hope to learn a lot more languages in future. Let me show you some of the things that I have learned:
Ni jiao sheme - that is how you say what is your name and my response would be wo jiao Ethan.
Learning Mandarin has been very enjoyable and I cant wait to learn more next term.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Sunday Mass
On Sunday my school's parish had a mass. I was one of the people giving the new students their candle to show them that they are a part of our school community. After the mass the parish priest served everyone chocolate marshmallows in the shape of a fish. I'm sure that everyone enjoyed themselves just as well as me.
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Guard of Honor
Recently there has been a priest, Father Pat Ward, who passed away and although none of us knew him very him our school community showed our respect by doing a guard of honor. We all stood along the road of Telford Ave and bowed our heads down as his body was carried inside a coffin. His coffin was inside a car. So when the car came past we all bowed our heads down to show respect. We even raised the flag that outside of our school for him. It was a sad day but it was also an honorable day.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Digital Fluency
On Thursday 6th of September my friends and I put together a cyber safety play that we presented to our class. The story goes like this: a little boy thinks he is on the phone with his uncle but he is actually on the phone with a professional con man. By gaining the boy's trust the boy tells this man all his personal details. Until this boy's father comes along and tells his son to go to his room and he deals with this problem by himself. From doing this I have learned how to stay safe on the internet and what is right and what is wrong.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Writing Slides
This is my tuatara information report. From doing this I have learned so much about the tuatara's lifespan, habitat and lifestyle. Needless to say I think I learned nearly everything there is to know
about tuataras.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Mini BB Fair
Yesterday we had the Mini BB Fair. At the fair there was baking and books. That's basically what BB stands for. There was so much baking there and most of them were so sweet which kind of gave me a sugar rush. After that I went straight to go look at the books but sadly I didn't buy any I really only bought baking goods.So after all of that the day ended and I had a lot of fun.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
R.E. Play
Today we created a play for R.E.. This play was based of the story of Abraham and Sarah. At this time God called out to them and asked them to leave their country and go to the empty land of Canaan. But still even after many years there was no child until one day God sent angels in disguise to make them believe in God and they did. A while after they finally had a child and they named him Isaac.
Monday, 27 August 2018
Grandparents Mass
Last week we had our school's Grandparents Mass. The school's parish was filled with people especially grandparents. A short while after the mass there was food available for purchase. I bought 2 cookies, a sausage and a sushi. When I finished eating I went straight to my schools turf to play basketball. After that there were performances by the Irish dancing, choir and the ukulele group. Needless to say it was a good day.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
The turtle and the shark
This is the slideshow that my partner Joey and I made. This slideshow is on a legend called the Turtle and the Shark It is mainly about 2 women whose family is running out of food so they get to work and make it themselves. Shortly after they find a new island and the owner even decided to let them live under the ocean in the form of a Turtle and a Shark.
Monday, 20 August 2018
Not that long ago we started this new online maths game called Prodigy. Here's
a basic summary of the game: it's basically Pokemon but you have to answer
maths questions to use your special moves in battles. Playing this game is a real challenge and anyone who plays it is guaranteed to learn a thing or two. I like it because I have learned more about symmetry and fractions.
Chess tournament
last week on Wednesday Me and a whole group of chess players went to represent our school at the Auckland chess championship. I guess that we all got cocky especially after the first round where all of us won our games. But as the day goes on I managed to lose 2 games in a row. For me all hope was lost until the 4th round where I managed to power through and win a short while later I was on a winning streak. Everything changed our team ended up coming 3rd and individually for my board I somehow ended up coming second. Even though I wasn't at school to learn I learned one thing and that was teamwork.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Maths Poster

I enjoyed this because I taught myself some new things about addition vocabulary.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Mary Mackillop
This is the painting I created by myself for the feast of St Mary Mackillop. She is the founder of our school and a person who will be remembered in the history of Good Shepherd . She was born on the 15th of January 1842 and she lived a happy long life. Sadly she passed away on the 8th of August 1909 in North Sydney Australia. From just this simple painting I learned so much about her and her life. She was really an amazing woman. R.I.P Mary Mackillop.
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Animal classification
Today we learnt about how animals are classified into groups. Animals are either vertebrates (which means they have a spine) or invertebrates (which don't have a spine).
Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octopus. Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. Fish breathe through gills and have fins.

5 examples of each type:
Mammals: dog, cat, human, seal, walrus
Birds: peacock, sparrow, raven, pigeon, kiwi
Fish: gold fish, tuna, snapper, shark, sea horse
Reptiles: chameleon, crocodile, alligator, snake, turtle
Amphibians: newt, frog, toad, salamander, caecilian
Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octopus. Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. Fish breathe through gills and have fins.

5 examples of each type:
Mammals: dog, cat, human, seal, walrus
Birds: peacock, sparrow, raven, pigeon, kiwi
Fish: gold fish, tuna, snapper, shark, sea horse
Reptiles: chameleon, crocodile, alligator, snake, turtle
Amphibians: newt, frog, toad, salamander, caecilian
Thursday, 12 July 2018
Math Poster
This is my math's poster that I have worked on.
It has taken me a while to create this poster. So if you are wondering the process I had to go through to make this poster then let me tell you.
First I complete the worksheet for this subject.
Then I analyse the data and put it on a poster. From making this poster I have learnt how to add and subtract 6 digit numbers.
It has taken me a while to create this poster. So if you are wondering the process I had to go through to make this poster then let me tell you.
First I complete the worksheet for this subject.
Then I analyse the data and put it on a poster. From making this poster I have learnt how to add and subtract 6 digit numbers.
Wednesday, 11 July 2018
This is a very easy illusion that you can do at home. If you are wondering what the science behind this is, it is very simple. Your eyes see a series of pictures so that tricks your brain into thinking that the fish is in the bowl . The most important thing I have learnt from this experiment is that using this tactic is how animated movies used to be made.
Tuesday, 10 July 2018
Matariki Star
This is my Matariki 3D star that I made. I put a lot of hard work and effort into this star. Making this star has taught me a lot about Matariki and its history. One thing I have learned about Matariki is that it is celebrated by many cultures and people.
Monday, 9 July 2018
Friday, 6 July 2018
Book Week
All for one and one for all. We are the three musketeers. We have Jayden on the left side as Porthos, Nathaniel as Aremis and I am Athos.
So with all of us combined we are unstoppable.
Although we were not together in the treasure hunt we still all did good while split apart. As for the rest of the week it was a blast. We met famous poets, famous Authors and they shared things with us that I haven't even heard about. Needless to say I had a fun week.
So with all of us combined we are unstoppable.
Although we were not together in the treasure hunt we still all did good while split apart. As for the rest of the week it was a blast. We met famous poets, famous Authors and they shared things with us that I haven't even heard about. Needless to say I had a fun week.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Suzanne Aubert

Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Easter candle
This is the Easter poster my friends and I made. It is a symbol of Easter. It also represents the alpha and omega sign (sorry it is hard to see ).We learn't that the candle is a symbol of life. All my friends and I enjoyed this project. I feel like making this poster helped me grow closer to the Lord.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Liturgical Seasons
During R.E. (Religious Education) everyone in my class including me completed a worksheet.
Our task was to draw the symbol of every season in the liturgical calendar. I learnt a lot of facts about Jesus 's birth and his death.
Our task was to draw the symbol of every season in the liturgical calendar. I learnt a lot of facts about Jesus 's birth and his death.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Country poster

Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Cross Country
On Tuesday we had our school cross country. I can tell you right now it was the worst experience of my life. I was twitching, I had blurry eyes and finally my back was aching badly. But after all that hard work I finally got through it and finished my race. It may have been a long run but by the end of it I learnt that hard work pays off.
Friday, 1 June 2018
The Royal Jelly Show

Tuesday, 8 May 2018
The White Crane
In Reading my group and I studied old myths. This is the one that I chose.
The story is a Korean story called The White Crane. It is about a girl taken in by a couple. But this girl is special because she can turn into a white crane. I learnt from the story that if you do something good for someone they will do something good in return. I enjoyed reading this story.
The story is a Korean story called The White Crane. It is about a girl taken in by a couple. But this girl is special because she can turn into a white crane. I learnt from the story that if you do something good for someone they will do something good in return. I enjoyed reading this story.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
The storm
This poem was inspired by the enormous storm that hit Auckland.
The Storm
I see destroyed houses with lightning hovering above each one
I hear glass shattering with wild roars
I smell the burning smoke crawling through my body
I taste cold dry wind blowing me away
I touch the broken cars stinging my fingers
It makes me feel miserable and dark.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
In Room 6 math's class we have been doing statistical investigations. First we learnt about stem and leaf graphs and did fun investigations on sports . We also learnt how to make graphs on Excel. We learnt how to make pie graphs and different types of bar graphs. Below are some of the graphs my partner and I have made on Excel.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Good Friday
Good Friday is the day of Jesus's death. He died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Before that he shared his body and blood. The clothes the priest where's is red. This is because they want to show the blood of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
This is my mantra. Everyone in my class did one. A mantra is a positive message to inspire you and make you a better person. My mantra is inspired for people who would give up easily. For them to try harder.
Saturday, 24 March 2018
Gospel Poster
This is the poster that my team and I made. It's about the Gospels. From Luke, Mark, John, and Matthew. It took a bit of drafting, but we got through it. And this is the result.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Home was usual enough: it had a couch, tv, carpet, mirror and next to the mirror a shoe rack we always use.
My Dad and I did what boys do: shout, cry, go wild hide from my brother and annoy my Mum.
My Dad and I did what boys do: shout, cry, go wild hide from my brother and annoy my Mum.
Doing nothing important.
Friday, 16 February 2018
Camp MERC Recount
On the first week of school all the year six leaders went straight off to Sir Peter Blake’s MERC for camp. During our time in camp we took on many different challenges and I’m here to share some of the experiences with you.
So of the main things I enjoyed at camp were Abseiling, Surfing and Archery.
I will start off by telling you about the abseiling. In abseiling we had to hold a rope and walk down a wall like Spiderman.
Next we had surfing. During surfing we caught some sweet waves. And while I’d hardly call my surfing surfing because I never actually stood up on the board. So it was kind of like boogie boarding on a surfboard.
My final activity that I enjoyed was my favourite activity archery. We split into teams and my teams name was the Arrow Kings and we actually came second place, the adults were the first place winners but thats ok with me.
So of the main things I enjoyed at camp were Abseiling, Surfing and Archery.
I will start off by telling you about the abseiling. In abseiling we had to hold a rope and walk down a wall like Spiderman.
Next we had surfing. During surfing we caught some sweet waves. And while I’d hardly call my surfing surfing because I never actually stood up on the board. So it was kind of like boogie boarding on a surfboard.
My final activity that I enjoyed was my favourite activity archery. We split into teams and my teams name was the Arrow Kings and we actually came second place, the adults were the first place winners but thats ok with me.
This is actually not everything I did but these were my favourite parts about camp. I really do miss camp and I do hope one day I can go back to it.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
all about me
Hi, my name is Ethan, this is my blog I go to Good Shepherd School. There are many things I enjoy doing but my main hobbies are YouTube because I get to have fun with making videos. I also like maths because it challenges my brain to do things more harder. But the thing I like the most is hanging out with my friends Nathaniel and Jayden. I am catholic and I like praying. Everyday is a day to look forward to in Good Shepherd and its a place where I really feel at home.
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